
It’s Question time!

I came across this blog post idea on another blog – Diary of a Cheating Whore – and I liked the idea so much that I thought I might have a bash at it myself. If you’re feeling up to it, why not have a go and let us know *your* answers too?


1 – Who is your closest celebrity lookalike? And, who do you think is sexier: you or the celeb?

I was once told that I looked like the alien thing out of ‘The Faculty’, which I’m assuming is a good thing. She is kinda pretty. I’m not sure who I look like now. Sometimes I get told that I look a little bit like Pink, which I’m taking as a massive compliment. She’s definitely sexier, though. I’m definitely chubbier.

I asked My Mr. Grey this question (because we’re texting here and there), and he replied with: “I have no idea.”

Helpful. Pfffft.

Then I asked One Ball the same question. He told me: “Pink! Or Jenna Jameson.”

I’m not sure how I feel about Jenna Jameson, but I’ll take what I can get.


2 – Who is the hottest male AND female celebrity you can think of? And, if the opportunity presented itself to you, would you have sex with them?

Male celebrity: Channing Tatum. You’ve seen him dance to ‘Pony’ in ‘Magic Mike’, right? I reckon he would be absolutely dynamite in bed – and yes, I’d have sex with him in a heartbeat. I also quite like Chris Brown. He’s damn hot.

Female celebrity: Angelina Jolie, without a doubt. Or Rihanna. I reckon they’re both probably dynamite in bed too.


3 – What celebrity do you fantasise about, but wouldn’t admit it to your friends?

Sheldon Cooper from ‘The Big Bang Theory’, for sure. I love a nerd. He’d drive me crazy, probably. And not in a good way. But yep, there he is: my embarrassing celebrity that I wouldn’t admit to fantasising about. (But just did.)


4 – Have you ever watched a leaked celebrity sex tape? Who was it or were they and what did you think? What would you have done differently if you were in the video?

I’ve watched many a celebrity sex tape. The Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee one stands out in my mind, and the Kim Kardashian one, and the Tulisa one, and the Paris Hilton one, and the Katie Price/Jordan one …

(All of my friends are and regularly send me whatever is doing the viral rounds on the internet, in my defence.)

I was super disappointed with all of them, to be honest. I expected more. I think the Kim Kardashian one is probably the best of a bad bunch, but I’d still put far more effort in than anything I saw in the tapes. I didn’t see enough dribbling or slapping around the face of cocks, for a start.


5 – If you are in a relationship, is there anyone your partner knows about that you have the ‘hots’ for and would they give you the okay to be intimate with them? Who would theirs be?

Everyone’s got a favourite-5, right? Ross in ‘Friends’ made himself a laminated list of the five celebrities that he’d be okay to screw despite being in a relationship.

My favourite-5 changes regularly. I think famous hook-ups should be allowed, just for the boast factor … ?

(*I’m kidding. I’d only tell you guys!)


6 – If you could have dinner with anyone in the world, who would you choose and what would you give them for dessert?

Channing Tatum, and he can have the entire contents of my refrigerator, ‘Nine and a Half Weeks’-style. I fucking love that movie.

Bonus: If you were offered the million-dollar indecent proposal, what would your answer be and why?

Definitely! I love sex. I love money. I probably wouldn’t have to think about it for long. I guess it really depends on who it’s with, though … Can I reserve judgement?






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2 Thoughts to “It’s Question time!”

  1. puzzledpartner

    What celeb do you look like and you don’t offer up pictures? Foul pool!
    And none of my friends knew about the ‘list of five’…but my wife sure does! I always leave the last spot open since I never know who might come around the corner.

  2. That’s not a bad idea actually! Maybe I need a “Just in case” spot on my top five! I would offer a picture but that might blow my cover…. 😉

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